Earn Money From Home: 27 Ideas To Earn Extra Money From Home

A lot of things have changed in the past year. Also how we view work.

The arrival of the coronavirus has taught us that working from home works very well. More and more people are therefore working from home.

Do you also want to earn money from home? Working from home can also become a reality for you. On this page, we have collected all the most important information about working from home for you.

We discuss the pros and cons of working from home and give you a list of 27 ideas for making money from home.

In this way, we hope to help you make the decision whether to switch part or full-time to a job that you can do in the comfort of your own home.

1. Start A Blog

Earnings: Up to more than $ 80,000 per year

Do you have a passion for writing and do you like to formulate your own opinion or do you like telling stories? Then blogging can be a very lucrative way to work from home.

Platforms like WordPress, wix.com, and Bluehost make it easier than ever today to create your own website where you can post your own articles on a variety of topics.

Preferably choose a niche topic. It’s a lot easier to get noticed for specific things than for big saturated topics like investing, health or travel.

The easiest way to monetize the blog (i.e. make money) is by posting relevant ads.

An additional advantage of choosing a good niche is that you can place perfectly relevant advertisements for which companies are willing to pay a nice sum of money.

Of course, you will have to invest enough time in the project initially before your blog will start making money. You have to build an audience, and that takes time.

It is certainly not quick, but once you regularly post quality articles and the blog attracts visitors, you can earn up to $80,000 (or more!) per year from home.



  • Some ‘technical’ knowledge required
  • No quick fix: takes a relatively long time to become profitable

Check out this article where you can set up your blog with this step-by-step guide that’ll take you no more than 20 minutes.

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2. E-Commerce (Webshop)

Earnings: € 500 – € 8000 + per month

In Amazon times, it is not easy to prevail with an online store. However, if you can find a suitable niche and offer quality products that people are looking for, this is an option with a lot of potentials.

Please note: the offer is crucial. Do not compete with the price, but convince with the added value of your products.

If you sell unique homemade products, it is very difficult to compete with you due to the specific nature of your product. That way you can work online, namely selling your own goods and earning money online.

A second option is to have the logistics taken care of by the platform (shipping, storage, etc).

You then pay a small commission to the platform in exchange for these services. This concept is called ‘ dropshipping ‘ and you can find a lot of information about it on YouTube and Google.

Again, it is better to define a precise niche and sell specific products than to offer a very wide range. The competition is merciless, and it can take a while before your online store attracts visitors.



  • Some technical knowledge required
  • Competition is merciless

Don’t forget to spend enough time optimizing your online store for search engines. This is called SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and ensures that you get customers through search engines such as Google.

3. Affiliate Marketing

Earnings: € 1,000 – € 10,000 + per month

Affiliate marketing is a commonly used term these days. Affiliate marketing allows you to make money online by recommending certain products.

You receive a commission for every purchase a customer makes through your recommendation.

For example, large web stores such as Amazon have an affiliate program running. You can promote products from the web shops in exchange for a fee.

This form of working from home can be combined extremely well with starting a blog, as mentioned above.

Once you have built up a loyal audience, you can start recommending quality products with an affiliate link and earn money from home that way.



  • Some technical knowledge required
  • Takes a relatively long time to make money

Reading tip:

Would you like to learn more about this topic? Read more affiliate marketing here. The book offers a clear view on how affiliate marketing works.

It contains a wealth of useful information, supported by practical examples, among others, literature research, and insights from dozens of conversations with professionals in the field, networks, advertisers, affiliates, and publishers.

4. Influencer

Earnings: €50 – €500 per post (< 100,000 followers)

Are you an eccentric person with a unique personality? Do you like to express your opinion? Do you have a creative mind?

Social Media Influencer is a hot topic these days. This means building a loyal audience through social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter.

You monetize through advertisements, sponsored posts, or affiliate programs. Building an audience takes time, but loyal followers are worth a lot.

Marketing research suggests that an average influencer (< 100,000) can charge up to $200-$500 per post.



  • Building an audience takes time
  • Not suitable for everyone

5. YouTube

Earnings: €800 – €1500 per month (for 20,000 views per day)

Making money from home with YouTube has become very popular in recent years. However, this takes a relatively long time (editing video material, building an audience, etc). If you’re passionate about what you have to share, this shouldn’t be a barrier.

You can generate income by offering products or placing advertisements. You will also receive a small compensation per ‘view ‘.

For more information, visit  youtube.com/partners.



  • High time investment
  • Platform saturation

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6. Freelance Writing

Earnings: up to or more than € 2000 per month

Are you a stay-at-home mother with an English or Dutch diploma or are you someone who can naturally find errors in written texts?

If you love writing and want to work from home, but don’t have the time to start a blog, freelance writing is a good choice.

You can offer your services for a fee via major online platforms such as Upwork and Fiverr. You get paid per individual item. The more assignments you successfully complete, the better your reputation on the platform will become.

Ultimately, you can turn this into a full-time job with a salary of more than 2000 euros per month. Please note that the number of available assignments can often vary greatly. One month there is a lot of work, the next month barely.



  • Building a reputation takes time
  • unpredictable

7. Technical Freelancing

Earnings: up to or more than € 2000 per month

Freelancing doesn’t just mean writing. You can also offer other services: graphic design, administration, social media, programming, marketing and web design are among many alternative options if writing isn’t really your thing.

You can let your payments go through on a project basis. The following websites offer a platform to bring employers into contact with employees:



  • Technical knowledge required
  • unpredictable

8. Virtual Assistant (VA)

Earnings: € 20 to € 100 per hour

Working from home for someone else, it’s possible. As a Virtual Assistant (VA) you will help other people complete everyday tasks such as checking and sending emails and making travel plans to processing internet research or managing the agenda.

Depending on your experience and expertise, you can earn $20 to $100 per hour.

Some reputable sites are Zirtual and Upwork.



  • Communication and work mostly in English

9. Customer Service

Earnings: € 1,600 – € 4,475 per month

Many companies today have a telephone or online customer service. You can quickly earn money at home this way.

Most companies offer (free) training courses and only require that you have a smooth chat and can deal with people well.



  • Sometimes difficult conversations with customers

10. Transcribe

Earnings: € 100 – € 800 per month

Do you have good hearing and sense of language and do you want to earn money quickly at home? Then transcribing might be something for you.

Transcribing means converting sound recordings into written form. In other countries, including the United States, this is very popular. On websites such as Transcript.com you can sign up and select assignments.

The advantage of transcribing is that you can work from home flexibly. You only need a computer and a good network connection.

You decide when and how much you work. The rates for companies are €1.60 to €2.20 per minute of the recording material, depending on the assignment.

This is of course a bit off for you (costs for the platform). On the site, you can easily calculate what you earn.

The merit is unfortunately not sky-high, but no training or experience is required, which makes this form of working from home very accessible.



  • Earnings on the lower side

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11. Home photographer

Earnings: €5 – €300 per assignment

Are you good with the camera and do you have a passion for photography? Making money at home as a photographer is perfectly possible. If you have a little space at home, you can set up your own (flexible) studio with a small investment.

Start with small assignments and try to make a name locally through word of mouth and appealing to interested parties.

For example, offer packages for important moments during a child’s growing up (birth, the first day of school, etc), or focus on portraits.

It can be useful to specialize in a certain style and niche, so you can create brand awareness for a specific style (portraits, boudoirs, events, interior, weddings, etc).

An online portfolio on your own website or an Instagram or Facebook page is crucial. This way you can easily show potential customers your work and they can immediately see whether they like your work.



  • The initial investment is relatively high (camera, equipment, etc)

12. Buying and Selling Products at a Profit

Earnings: Depends on what you sell and profit margin

Do you have a real entrepreneurial spirit? Then you can also buy products and sell them back at a profit. This way you can earn money from home.

You just need to spot good deals and resell your products on websites such as Amazon.

Buy things cheaply from abroad in large quantities ( for example, AliExpress is a good online store for this kind of business) and then sell it for a profit. Think for example of smartphone accessories or hobby items.



  • Finding the right deal can take time
  • Logistics

13. Ironing Service

Earnings: € 0.5 – € 2.5 per garment

Offer a local ironing service! Some people hate ironing or are looking to outsource this task. This is a perfect opportunity for you to offer this service.

Talk to some people, hand out flyers and ask a few neighborhood shops if you can put up a small ad and if they want to do some extra advertising for you.

Ask for a good price for your services. Depending on the item of clothing, you can ask € 0.50 to € 2.5 per item and earn money easily at home.

Check the All Ironed Out Service website for a nice example of an ironing service.



  • Brand awareness can take time

14. Housekeeping Coach

Earnings: € 40 – € 60 per hour (excl. VAT)

Running a household efficiently can take a lot of energy in these busy times. Do you have a talent for order and organization? Then you can help people with their households and offer your services as a household coach.

As a household coach, you bring overview and tranquility to chaotic living and office environments. In practice, this means that you provide support and advice to people who have difficulties with:

  • tidying up: cleaning up and reorganizing their home or workplace
  • administration: processing incoming mail and setting up a good archive and system to organize paperwork
  • putting on the agenda: the effective handling of projects and jobs
  • household and office: streamlining repetitive tasks



  • Sometimes necessary to be on the move

15. Consultant

Earnings: € 25 – € 150 per hour

Do you have a lot of experience with a certain subject/expertise? Then you can work (online) from home as a consultant.

People are willing to pay for a service that can efficiently solve a problem for them. Think, for example, of marketing strategies, investment advice, or entrepreneurship.

Use your knowledge and expertise as a consultant and earn money from home with consultations. This can be done via Skype or in person.

Don’t forget to advertise locally and possibly create your own website to attract customers.



  • Building a customer base takes time
  • Some knowledge of online marketing is recommended

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16. Accounting

Earnings: €30 – €60 per hour (excluding VAT)

Are you good with numbers and do you like finance? Most people hate accounting. If you can remove that stress easily and with a smile, they will be happy to use your services as an accountant.

Note: Make sure that you always do everything according to the law, so that you do not get into trouble with the government.

An independent bookkeeper charges between 50 euros and 70 euros per hour, excluding VAT. If you have not followed any professional training, you may have to set the rate slightly lower.

(However, a starting independent bookkeeper does not earn this hourly wage immediately. After all, it concerns billable hours, hours that a bookkeeper performs exclusively for his customers and can invoice his customers.)



  • Strict legislation

17. Catering

Earnings: € 3 – € 50 per person

Starting a local catering business can be a flavorful way to earn extra money from home. Prepare snacks or full meals and sell your service to people nearby. Depending on the dishes, you can charge 3 to 50 euros per person.

Be sure to pay a visit every now and then when local events are being organized and ask the organizer(s) whether additional catering may need to be provided.

That way you can build up a nice customer base and easily earn money with cooking at home.

Attention: Make sure you always comply with food safety and always ask about possible allergies from customers!



  • Promoting yourself can take a lot of time

18. Give cooking workshops

Earnings: € 25 – € 50 per person

Another way to earn money from home cooking is by organizing and giving cooking workshops.

If you work on a small scale, you can give the workshops in your own kitchen. If you want to accompany larger groups you will have to leave the house, but you can do all the other work at home.

You can also enjoy cooking for, for example, staff outings or bachelor parties, or give workshops for companies.



  • For larger groups, you will most likely have to leave the house

19. Participate in surveys

Earnings: up to € 250 per month

Simply answer online surveys or product tests and earn money from home. You can quickly earn money at home this way. This way you can easily earn up to an extra € 250 per month at home.

Below are some reliable websites for surveys:

Caution: If a survey site asks you to pay, it is most likely a scam. Never give out your credit card information without making sure that it is a reliable website.



  • Beware of scammers

20. Test websites

Earnings: € 5 – € 28 per hour

Testing websites is a perfect way of working from home. All you need is a computer or smartphone and a working internet connection.

You can test websites from home for up to $30 (~$28) per hour.

A popular platform for this is UserTesting. This is how it works:

  • You get paid $10 (~$8) via PayPal for every 20-minute video you complete.
  • UserTesting pays you to visit websites or apps, perform a number of tasks, and articulate your experiences.
  • While you are visiting a website, your screen and your voice will be recorded.

Major customers include Apple, Microsoft, Adobe, Facebook, and other companies.

Attention: You will have to test the websites in English.

A second platform is WhatUsersDo. Here you earn about 5 dollars/euros per completed test and you can have the amount paid out monthly.



  • Test often in English

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21. Dog walking service

Earnings: € 5 – € 10 per dog per hour

Are you a real animal lover and do you like dogs? Do you have a large garden or a park nearby? Then a dog walking service is the ideal way to work from home.

You can charge an hourly rate per dog between 5 and 10 euros.

Make sure that you always make good agreements with the owners and take into account the individual wishes of your customers.

Tip: Of course you can also look after other pets, such as cats, rabbits, hamsters, etc.



  • Sufficient space required
  • Sometimes very chaotic

22. Music Lessons

Earnings: € 10 – € 50 per hour

Are you musically inclined and do you have a good feeling for teaching? Then music lessons can be a very creative way to further develop your talents. In addition, you can earn a little extra from home.

Music school in the center is also often very expensive. Advertise and offer a cheaper rate.

In time you will be able to gather a nice group of people who enthusiastically take music lessons in your home. You can also consider giving private lessons for a premium rate.

In these times of social isolation, you can choose to offer online classes via Skype or Zoom. People can then take lessons from home and you can earn extra money at home.



  • Finding enough students can be difficult

23. Sewing Service

Earnings: € 10 – € 25 per garment

Handy with a needle and thread? Repairing clothes can be a great way to make easy money from home.

Most people have no idea how to mend holes, insert a zipper or lengthen or shorten trouser legs.

Make a price list per item of clothing and tell the people in the area that they can have their favorite clothes repaired at your place at a discounted rate.



  • Not many people have their clothes repaired these days

24. Home teacher

Earnings: € 10 – € 50 per hour

Do you like children and are you good at teaching? Then consider becoming a home tutor. You can then earn extra money from home and teach children or young adolescents.

A second possibility is, for example, to offer computer lessons for the elderly.

It is recommended that you have completed a teacher training course to build up sufficient reliability.

A second option is to teach online. This can easily be done via a live stream via Facebook, Skype, or Zoom. In this way, you can easily earn money at home in times of social isolation and on top of that help others with learning.



  • Teacher training is recommended

25. Electronics, Computers, and Smartphones Recovery

Earnings: € 35 – € 500 per device

Are you technically inclined and do you know something about electronics? Then consider offering a local repair service.

Electronics are expensive and can often be easily repaired at a minimal cost. Parts are dirt cheap and with some knowledge, the device can be repaired in no time.

Charge a rate per hour or per device and advertise in your area. A good tip is to leave flyers or posters at local businesses such as the bakery, butcher, or convenience store. Always ask the owner if this is possible!

You can easily order parts from AliExpress, eBay, or a specialized webshop.



  • Technical knowledge required

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26. Create and Sell Online Courses

Earnings: € 10 – € 5,000 + per course

One last great way to make money from home is by creating and selling online courses.

Have you built up extensive knowledge about a specific topic? Do you have a lot of experience with a certain subject? Then you can consider creating a course and sharing your knowledge through a platform like Udemy.

Here you can offer your course for a fee. You earn a fixed amount per student.

Mind you, some topics are a lot more popular than others, which immediately creates more competition. So you will have to collect excellent material and design a high-quality course to stand out

This is an upfront time investment. But like any other passive income activity, you do the work once and then get paid for it repeatedly.



  • Need a lot of research
  • Competition is huge

Working from home: the pros and cons

You’ve probably heard the terms ‘ home office ‘ and ‘ home office ‘. This means that you can work from home instead of having to travel to work every day.

Making money at home not only improves your quality of life.

What are the pros and cons of working from home?

Working from home – Benefits

Working from home- Disadvantages

  • You are more easily distracted – not everyone manages to work efficiently from home. There are many factors that can quickly take you out of the work routine. For many, it is difficult to focus on work when you are at home. So you may be less productive and more likely to be tempted to do other things instead of work.
  • Lack of social contact – At work, it is common for you to have coffee with colleagues or have lunch together at noon. When you work from home, you are usually alone and there is much less social contact.
  • Team cohesion is lost – this is rather an individual factor. Some teams work very well together remotely via Skype and various other communication media. But this is not for everyone. Some people don’t like virtual relationships and prefer to interact directly with their team members.

What requirements do you have to meet to work from home?

  • Self-discipline – this is one of the most important factors. If you want to earn money at home, you must also ensure that you work with sufficient concentration and that the work is done efficiently and qualitatively. If you prefer to sit on the couch and watch TV shows instead of working, a home office is not for you.
  • Good time management – you decide when you work. You will most likely have to meet deadlines, but it makes little or no difference if you start work at 7 a.m. or 9 a.m. This of course depends on your work content. If you have to be available at certain times, such as for sales calls over the phone or certain online services, you can of course not ignore this.
  • Location independent job – Not every job is suitable for working from home. However, the number of jobs where location has little or no influence is increasing every year. Many employers recognize that reconciling work and private life is becoming increasingly important for employees.
  • Appropriate tools – As an employee you must have the necessary tools to do your work at home. These usually include a laptop, cell phone, and various business programs.

When can you work from home (working online)?

If you spend most of your workday sitting at a desk on the computer or on the phone (also known as online work), chances are you can work from home.

Working from home now and then is now accepted by many employers

With the arrival of the corona crisis, more and more companies are supporting working from home. Some employees are even required to work from home.

However, there are still a number of companies that do not allow it.

Here are some arguments to help you change your supervisor’s “old-fashioned” opinion:

  • Earning money from home saves your employer fixed costs, such as rent for your workplace.
  • You work more comfortably if you don’t have to commute to work.
  • Your employer’s reputation improves as it offers flexible benefits and thus promotes work-life balance for employees.

Always show a willingness to compromise. Suggest a defined period to your employer in which you work from home.

That way, your supervisor can evaluate your performance without having to make a major investment.

Prove your self-discipline and willingness to work and your employer will probably be a lot more enthusiastic about your wishes.

Make easy money at home

Working online and earning money online is the wish of many. There are a lot of “methods” that promise you to make money quickly on the internet.

In most cases, it is a scammer who asks you to spend money before you see results. So watch out for this!

If you want to make money online, read our post. There you will find tips on how to find sustainable work online.

How can I make money from home?

Making easy money at home is not for everyone. It takes a lot of self-discipline, organization, and time management to work efficiently from home.

You can consider starting your own business or approaching your employer.

There are several options for discussing with your supervisor whether you can possibly do some of your work at home, such as administrative work or work that is mainly done via the computer.

If you make this a priority, you will soon be able to work from home successfully (possibly partly)!

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